Do you live in Ogden and need Headache pain relief. Have you tried every different type of pain reliever and still can not find and relief for your headache? Come in for a pain consultation and a report of findings to see if a chiropractic adjustment will relieve the pain of your headache. Headache pain specialist in Ogden is no further than your local chiropractor at Peak Chiropractic. We have years of experience in Headache relief in Ogden and we know how important it is to finally find relief from your headaches.
Tension Headache The most common type of headache is a tension headache. Tension headaches typically feel like there is a tight band around the head and are at a mild to moderate pain level. You can expect a tension headache to last a few days to a few weeks. When a tension headache is more painful on the sides of you head chances are it is associated with muscle pain rather than stress, lack or sleep or poor posture. The best way to treat a tension headache is with over the counter pain relievers, stress reduction, heat pack or ice pack on sore muscles, and concentrating on a good posture.
Migraine When someone has a bad headache, they may say they have a migraine, but lets not confuse a bad headache with an actual migraine. Migraines anywhere between 4 hours to 3 days long and may repeat themselves up to four times in one month. Migraines have more serious and painful side effects than some of the more common headaches. Being nauseous, vomiting, upset stomach or pain in your stomach, sensitivity to light and sound, feeling dizzy, blurry vision, and paled skin tone are all symptoms of a migraine. Migraines can affect the entire body and put you in bed for days. More can be done to prevent migraines than to stop them once they have started. Ensuring you are taking care of your body, getting proper sleep, nutrition and maintaining your stress levels along with proper posture will all help to prevent migraines.
Cluster Headaches A cluster headache itself may only last 15 minuets however it may last up to 3 hours. Cluster headaches get their name because they come in clusters meaning you will get one to three headaches per day for two to three weeks straight. Cluster headaches affect men three to four times more than women. These are a more painful type of headache and may make your eyelid droop, get tears in the eyes, small pupil and a runny nose all during the headache attack.
Sinus Headache A sinus headache is kind of self-explanatory because this headache is caused from your sinuses being inflamed. You will most likely feel pain or pressure in your cheekbones, the bridge of your nose and your forehead. If you are experiencing a sinus headache you most likely need to go see a doctor for a sinus infection. Another way to tell of you may have a sinus infection is if the discharge from your nose is yellow or green.
Hormone Headache Women typically get a hormone headache any time their hormones are undergoing change. Hormone levels change during their periods, pregnancy, menopause and even changing birth control. Some medications such as antidepressants can also cause headaches while they are changing or balancing the hormones in the body
There are many different causes of headaches along with many different types of headaches. There are 150 different types of headaches however there are only a few common headaches. Headaches can come on from being sick. Illnesses like having an infection such as a sinus infection, ear infection or throat infection. A cold or even a fever can cause you to have headaches. Injuries such as an injury to the head that may even result in a concussion may have brought on your headache. Another leading cause of headaches can result from high levels of stress. It is said that the smaller daily struggles and stressors are the ones that cause stress that may lead to most likely a tension headache. When you stress, even over the small stuff your body tenses up, you may grind your teeth and even keeping your shoulders stiff from stress can all result in a headache. Learning to manage day to day stressors such as traffic, work or misplacing your keys or cell phone may reduce the chances of your headache that day and days to come. High stress levels and even consistent low levels of stress may lead to depression, poor sleeping habits, skipping meals, stress eating or drinking more alcohol. Everything listed above are reactions to stress and each one of those things can affect you in many ways, headaches is a symptom of poor sleeping and eating patterns and all the above. Controlling your environment even to the point of reducing strong smells, reducing the allergens in your home along with the lighting and the noise level. Some of these things may even come back to your stress levels. Headaches have also been found to be somewhat hereditary. If both parents experience headaches and migraines there is a 60%-70% chance that the children will also experience these same headaches or migraines. If only one parent experiences headaches or migraines the chances are less at around 20%-50% that the children will experience them.